Feel the Thunder
Tim Callahan
Feel the thunder of the drums!
Feel the thunder of the taiko drums!
Pounding and resounding!
Pounding and pounding
like a giant’s heartbeat,
like a giant’s heartbeat,
resounding in your chest!
See the drummers gesture,
as they strike their postures
Hear the cry
of the drummers
as they chant.
See the lightning
flashing like a saber,
flashing like a saber
as it rips through the sky!
Hear the lightning crackle
crackle as its fury
echoes through the sky.
Feel its white-hot fury
As it sears the earth!
Then feel the thunder
that rumbles through the hillsides!
Feel the thunder,
pounding like a hammer!
Feel the thunder hammer
like a titan’s heartbeat!
Feel the thunder hammer!
Feel the thunder hammer
As it shakes the earth!
Who is the Drummer
who thunders like a hammer?
Yours is not to question:
You’ll never get an answer.
Yours is but to savor
the power of the hammer:
Pounding and resounding
as it thunders through the sky!
So feel the thunder of the drum!
Feel the thunder of the cosmic drum!
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