Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Three Days till...!!!

Ok folks, it's coming down to crunch time for Makoto Taiko! We are wrapping up with concert practices and rehearsals this week.

This Saturday, we are having our annual taiko concert at Thorne Hall in Occidental College. We will not only present our fantastic repertoire of modern and traditional taiko pieces, we have a NEW PIECE in the works by our very own taiko master, Koji Nakamura, Revelation. It will debut officially at our annual concert this Saturday. Don't miss this incredible moment!

One more exciting bit of news! We have finally, finally finished our new costume!! Thank you thank you to everyone who helped with this big project! This was no small feat--Makoto Taiko is now approximately 49 members strong. Forty-nine. Wow! We seem to be growing exponentially every year! It's a really great feeling when you can see all 49 members come together during a concert run-through...all these people from all stages of life, and forms of thought and belief, assembling for a common passion: Taiko.

So make sure to mark this down on your calendar:

6:00pm (doors open at 5:30pm)
Thorne Hall
Occidental College
1600 Campus Rd. Los Angeles 90041


Donations gratefully accepted for the continued maintenance of our wonderful drums and the purchase of even better instruments.

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